Saturday 18 October 2014

Striped wrapping paper

This rather simple design of wrapping paper Is typical of it's contemporaries. It is of recent make      (c. 2014).

The scanning process has lightened the colour of the central stripe. In reality, the colour is slightly deeper.

Friday 15 August 2014

Pattern of sunflowers.

This rather gaudy paper comes from a cover of a photo album, made around the year 2000

Sunday 20 July 2014

Cupcake holder

Cupcakes and other such dainites are usually served in small paper cups, which are often decorated. This particular example ( which has been flattened out) is decorated with a pattern of red and white hearts. Other examples are decorated in a pattern of small floral sprays, often in two colours.


Thursday 15 May 2014

Joss paper 1- "Cloth"

According to Chinese tradition, one may send gifts to one's ancestors ( clothes, money and even whole houses) if paper representations of these things are burnt as offerings to them. Such paper articles are commonly known as "joss paper" .
  Many of these papers are most curious , if in their own gaudy way, and I shall be presenting more of such things in the future.

The present article of joss paper is a square sheet of thin Chinese , or "Rice" paper. It is printed with a elegant pattern of flowers and scrollwork. It is intended to represent a piece of patterned cloth-- presumably for ancestors who prefer making their own clothes.

This paper is printed off a woodblock, as seen from the black gouge marks in the upper left corner. This is somewhat surprising, considering that this paper was bought around 2011.This sheet was once part of a stack of sheets. All bore the same pattern ( as here) but were printed on different colour of paper -- green , yellow  and white in addition to this pink colour.

Friday 28 March 2014

Japanese decoratve cloth tape

Although this is not, strictly speaking, a piece of decorative paper, I find it so beautiful that it would be a shame not to feature it here.

This is a strip of Japanese decorative tape. It consists of a strip of cloth, with an adhesive backing, much like a sicker or roll of scotch/duct tape. What sets it apart, however, is the extremely attractive pattern printed on it. It consists of flowers and leaves with a red background, and gold outline.

A length of the tape
A closeup. 

Sunday 2 February 2014

Trickled paper

The following decorated paper is best called "trickled paper", for it probably described its method of manufacture. It is executed in shades of dull blue and pink, and forms the endpapers of an edition of The book of Common prayer, printed around 1947.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Annonay paper 4

The following paper forms the cover of an account book, roughly from the 1980s-1990s. The paper is somewhat dull with age, but nonetheless, is similar to most examples of the genre.