Saturday 24 December 2016

Floral paper

Two samples from a fairly large sheet of floral paper. This was printed in China, in the 2010s.

What is most curious about the paper, is that the colours seems to have been printed without any regard to the pattern. On closer inspection, it seems that the maker has printed the dark background upside-down with respect to the red roses and blue flowers. The sheet was thus rejected, which would also explain why it was found wrapping a ream of other, higher quality papers. 

Saturday 3 December 2016

Florist's Wrapping paper

This specimen was found wrapping a bunch of flowers that were purchased in a Singaporean market.

 It is printed on a thin, glossy paper. It displays a pattern of (American) footballs, and the words "TOUCH DOWN". For whatever reason the phrase is printed in mirror image.